ggmapinset - Add Inset Panels to Maps
Helper to add insets based on geom_sf() from 'ggplot2'. This package gives you a drop-in replacement for geom_sf() that supports adding a zoomed inset map without having to create and embed a separate plot.
Last updated 3 months ago
6.21 score 36 stars 1 dependents 9 scripts 306 downloadscartographer - Turn Place Names into Map Data
A tool for easily matching spatial data when you have a list of place/region names. You might have a data frame that came from a spreadsheet tracking some data by suburb or state. This package can convert it into a spatial data frame ready for plotting. The actual map data is provided by other packages (or your own code).
Last updated 1 years ago
5.43 score 3 stars 2 dependents 15 scripts 218 downloadsggautomap - Create Maps from a Column of Place Names
Mapping tools that convert place names to coordinates on the fly. These 'ggplot2' extensions make maps from a data frame where one of the columns contains place names, without having to directly work with the underlying geospatial data and tools. The corresponding map data must be registered with 'cartographer' either by the user or by another package.
Last updated 1 years ago
5.10 score 25 stars 5 scripts 143 downloadsphylepic - Combined Visualisation of Phylogenetic and Epidemiological Data
A collection of utilities and 'ggplot2' extensions to assist with visualisations in genomic epidemiology. This includes the 'phylepic' chart, a visual combination of a phylogenetic tree and a matched epidemic curve. The included 'ggplot2' extensions such as date axes binned by week are relevant for other applications in epidemiology and beyond. The approach is described in Suster et al. (2024) <doi:10.1101/2024.04.02.24305229>.
Last updated 2 months ago
4.65 score 4 scripts 538 downloadsnswgeo - Geospatial Data and Maps for New South Wales, Australia
Geospatial data for creating maps of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, and some helpers to work with common problems like normalising postcodes. Registers its data with 'cartographer'.
Last updated 3 months ago
3.00 score 5 scripts 214 downloads