Changes in version Changes in version 0.3.0 (2023-04-28) - Replaced the confusing inset_clip and inset_copy parameters of geom_sf_inset() with the new map_base and map_inset parameters. - Inset frame aesthetics can now be specified consistently. - A default inset configuration can be passed to coord_sf_inset() to avoid repeating it for every layer. - Insets are now based on stat_sf_inset() which correctly adjusts the coordinate limits and computes some inset-related variables for downstream use. - The new stat_sf_coordinates_inset(), stat_sf_text_inset(), and stat_sf_label_inset() labels complete the coverage of sf-related layers. - Added transform_to_inset() helper for applying the inset transformation to arbitrary geometries (for extension developers). Changes in version 0.2.3 (2023-02-21) - Initial CRAN release.